Beat Butchers News
Archive: 1999
December 5th, 1999
Christmas Compilation
Ohlson har semester production and Dennis & Dom blå apelsinerna
are included on a christmas CD compilation called "En Helvetes Jul", which is now available from all good record stores!
Other bands on the compilation are - Troublemakers, The Kristet Utseende, Gorr MC,
Bäddsoffan Brinner, Sänkta Claez, SBD, SvenÖrjans, EAK, Pure-X, Veckans Klubba and Vrävarna.
For more information, check out Ägg Tapes & Records.
November 7th, 1999

Thanks to everyone who came to Kafé 44 and celebrated our 15 Year Anniversary together with us on October 9th, 1999! A night to add to the history books for sure!
October 12th, 1999
Hans & Greta re-unite for one gig
The fantastic Hans & Greta will re-unite for one night and play at the Köttgrottorna release party for their new album "Soft Metal" (ORCD 37)! The date and place to be is: October 22nd at Tre Backar (Tegnergatan 12-14, T-Rådmansgatan at 20:00, tickets: 50 SEK at the door, 18 year minimum) in Stockholm. Not to be missed! Oh, and the Köttgrottorna homepage has been completely re-designed, plus the info on the new album has been added.
23Till News
Today we added a Swedish version of the History text to the 23 Till homepage, together with the latest plans from the band!
MP3 - Sound Clips - Interview
You can now download two demos in MP3-format by Roger Karlsson as well as a load of sound clips on the Rolands Gosskör homepage. Click on the link "Ljudspår", and you'll find the good stuff! And in case you're interested to learn and hear more of Ohlson har semester production you better check out ga'dä:mit where you can find an interview and some sound clips right now.
Compilation Time
Speaking of Ohlson har semester production, two songs from the CD-single "Flöjtmannen" are included on the compilation "The Punishment Is Here" (NNR 001, BHR 002), released on New Noise Records & B-Head Records. Other bands included on the compilation are Skywalker, Stockholm Pigs, Disculpa, Systemets Slavar, among others. For more information contact: B-Head records, Box 613, 114 79 Stockholm, SWEDEN.
The Contest is Closed
The Beat Butchers 15-Year Anniversary Contest is now closed and over. The correct answers + the winners are now presented on the contest page! Were you one of the lucky ones? If you want to take a look at the compilation CD cover, head on over to the updated Label Discography.
Beat Butchers History
The Swedish version of the Beat Butchers History page has been updated with the story of the label from the 15 Year Anniversary compilation booklet. It's a long read, but it's shock-full of interesting stuff.
New tour dates have been added to the Gig Guide.
October 3rd, 1999
The 15 Year Anniversary Party
To celebrate our 15 year anniversary we're arranging a gig at Kafé 44 in Stockholm (Tjärhovsgatan 43) on saturday October 9th starting 5pm (17:00). The following bands are playing:
* Ohlson har semester production
* Köttgrottorna
* Coca Carola.
* Johan Antilla
* Radioaktiva Räker
* Roger Karlsson
At the same time we're sneak-pre-releasing our 15 Year Anniversary compilation (ORCD 36) where 12 of our bands have recorded a cover of another Beat Butchers band each. The record will be available at Kafé 44 during the night and then again in stores when it is officially released in November, together with Köttgrottorna's new album "Soft Metal" (ORCD 37).
September 29th, 1999
Release Dates are set
Official release dates have been set for the new and upcoming records. The 15-year anniversary compilation "Beat Butchers 15 år - 12 covers" (ORCD 36, and with a mid-price price tag) and Köttgrottorna's "Soft Metal" (ORCD 37) are both released on November 1st. The unofficial release dates (that is, release parties where the records will be available, that night only, before the official release) are as follows: 15-year anniversary compilation is unofficially released at the beforehand mentioned festivities at Kafé 44 in Stockholm on October 9th. For Köttgrottorna's new album this date is October 22nd at Tre Backar in Stockholm.
September 6th, 1999
Turn on the Radio
Ohlson har semester production were interviewed by Håkan Persson from Sveriges Radio (P3) recently and this will be broadcasted on Thursday September 9th some time between 22:10 and 23:00.
Our 15-year anniversary celebration party is closing in, and we have added the following bands to the roster marking which bands are going to play (more info in previous news postings):
* Johan Antilla
* Radioaktiva Räker
More on the 15YA Compilation
The 15-Year Anniversary compilation, where twelve of our bands have recorded a cover each of another of our bands, will be released in October, straight to mid-price.
New Records
A little more info on the new Köttgrottorna album: It is called "Soft Metal" and will be released at the end of October.
Football (soccer) tournament pt.2
We promised to give you the full details from the soccer tournament in Köping. We are sad to let you know that we finished third (of three teams). In the car back home, we found comfort in the fact that we actually didn't lose against our arch enemy in soccer, Birdnest, who won the whole tournament!
September 4th, 1999
This day marks the start of the Beat Butchers 15-Year Anniversary Contest! You got to check it out right away, or you'll be sorry! And we're sitting here crossing our fingers for all of you. May the best... hmm, contender, win!
August 27th, 1999
We added a Coca Carola Guestbook to the Swedish CC page today - it is mainly in Swedish, but you can of course write in English in there as well if you like. The link to the guestbook can be found below the normal menu selection on the page.
August 24th, 1999
Guitar Tabs
New guitar tabs for the latest Coca Carola album "Så Fel Som Bara Vi Kan Ha" have been added to their homepage!
More news about our 15 year anniversary: We're getting our sights ready for
October 9th (5pm - 17:00) at 44an in Stockholm, no age limit. That's when
we're going to release our anniversary compilation and that's where we're
going to do it! Most of our bands will play live at the event, as previously
reported. Ready for the night right now are:
* Ohlson har semester production
* Köttgrottorna and
* Coca Carola.
New tour dates have been added to the Gig Guide.
August 14th, 1999
We have extended the history, gigography and now also added a T-Shirtography to the Coca Carola pages! More (and some better pictures) will be added. Some information (especially important - the contact and booking information) has also been changed on the pages.
New tour dates have been added to the Gig Guide.
August 2nd, 1999
As previously reported, the publishing company Brombergs recently released the poetry anthology "Hunger" which includes lyrics from our own heroes Åka Bil, among others. For more information, check out the Åka Bil homepage. If you are interested in getting a copy, the book is available from Bokus.com for 137 SEK at this moment.
Beat Butchers celebrates 15 years in the business this autumn! We are currently planning the festivities, which most certainly will include concerts with most of our bands. If that wasn't enough, ten of our bands (both active and no longer existing bands) are recording a cover which one of the bands have written. More info and exact dates will be announced right here.
Köttgrottorna have entered the studio once again to put the final touch to their new album. Those of use who have had a chance to have our ears around the new material are proud to say that it rocks! We will be back with exact dates and more information soon on this as well.
Mailorder news
New T-shirts with the Beat Butchers logo on the front are available now! The size is Large (L) (they are pretty large) and the colors available are Grey, Light blue and Red. The price is the same as the manufacturing cost, which is 50 SEK. Note that this also includes postage and packaging, so you're not going to get any hidden or surpise costs in the end. 50 SEK for a T-shirt delivered to you, and that's it. Put down your preferred color and address on a PostGiro note, pay the 50 SEK to Beat Butchers account - PG 452 30 50 - 5, and your T-shirt is on the way to you! We have also received a shipment of silly "Beppe"-hats with our fine logo. These are not for sale, but it will be possible to win a couple of them in a contest here on our website in the near future. Stay tuned. Finally, our lovely Coca Carola
T-shirs are no longer available as we have sold the last of our stock.
Football (soccer) tournament
In our next news update we hope you'll be able to read about our trip to Köping where we came out winners in the game against Birdnest, which we plan to do on August 14th. :-)
April 20th, 1999
Special Events
On April 23rd, the publishing company Brombergs release a poetry anthology with lyrics from among others Åka Bil, bob hund and Kent. At the release party, Åka Bil will play an acoustic set. It all starts at 6pm (18:00) at Kulturhuset (Lava) in Stockholm.
The Djurgårdens IF (DIF) tribute compilation is selling like butter (umm, a Swedish expression that...) and has placed iself in top positions on several charts.
Coca Carola is once again slated to play the Mera Hitlåtar Festival in Handen outside Stockholm! Coca Carola is the only band that has played at the festival every year to this date, and this gig is their 301:st! The festival takes place between June 5th and 6th this year.
Tour Reports
The Radioaktiva Räker tour in Germany was a success! Because the audience at several venues weren't satisfied when they had completed their rehearsed set, they had to play some of the songs more than once!
New tour dates have been added to the Gig Guide.
April 5th, 1999
The Djurgårdens IF (DIF) tribute compilation released on March 31st including 8 songs from our own heroes Coca Carola is a success! Which also means it's pretty hard to get hold of a copy at the moment, but rest assured - new copies are on the way to the stores! More info (in Swedish), sound clips and an order form (in case you want to order a copy directly from DIF) can be found on the DIF website. There was also an article about this album and interview with Coca Carola in Norrköpings Tidningar on March 31st. Luckily, they put it up on the web as well (in Swedish) - right here.
March 29th, 1999
If you're interested in reading a interview from 1997 (in Swedish only - sorry) with our meatcave heroes Köttgrottorna you have to check out Magasinet Uno at once! On the site you can select the Köttgrottorna interview either in the Archive (Arkiv) or from the drop-down box (Välj en artikel!)
New tour dates have been added to the Gig Guide.
March 9th, 1999
Newly pressed
We have now pressed a small edition of the Radioaktiva Räker debut vinyl single "Verkligheten". The single contains 4 tracks "Verkligheten", "Folk", "En näve hat" and "Gråterskan". Order at special price 40 SEK (including postage & packaging) at PostGiro 452 30 50 -5 (name: Beat Butchers) or see our Mailorder.
Djurgården release record with Coca Carola
At the beginning of April, the Stockholm team Djurgården will release a CD with music celebrating the team. Included on this album are our very own heroes Coca Carola (with 8 songs). Other participants are Thåström, Gurra G & Pedda P, Svante Thuresson and Jack Wreeswijk. The album will be available at all major record stores.
Radioaktiva Räker goes Germany
At the end of March, Radioaktiva Räker are off to Germany to play a couple of dates. Check the Gig Guide for the complete list.
March 3rd, 1999
The Coca Carola Contest II was a hit! We would like to thank all the people who entered, who also made it necessary to bring out the old hat from the attic! Yes, the contest is closed and the winner has been drawn! Head on over and check out the results!
Loads of new tour dates were added to the Gig Guide the last couple of days!
February 9th, 1999
Site news
A new page has been added to the site. This time it is a page for Links. It may look a bit empty right now, but we'll fill it up - don't worry. :-)
Check out the Gig Guide for fresh tour dates!
January 16th, 1999
New releases
Johan Anttila's acoustic solo debut album "Ensam varg" (Beat Butchers / MD) with a total of 18 songs will soon be here! The release date is set to the first week of February. And if you're curious to what it sounds like, you don't want to miss the gig in Stockholm at Tre Backar on Februray 5th. Time to take a look at the Gig Guide!
News from abroad
The readers' top-list in the latest issue of the German fanzine Plastic Bomb's is a bomb! First comes Rasta Knast (who made some Radioaktiva Räker covers). Third is Radioaktiva Räker with the greatest hits album "Tro Inte Allt" released in Germany. Further down the list are bands like Social Distortion, Rancid etc. The new prints of "Tro Inte Allt" comes in dead cruel yellow vinyl. Both versions can be ordered through our
The News Archive
As you probably noticed when you came in here, the extremely big news page has been split up into archives / year. This page will always display the latest news (for the current year), and you can click on the buttons above for the previous years' news (1995-1998).
Don't forget the Coca Carola contest!